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Thai Union employees summer Xinduqiao tourism

Thai Union employees summer Xinduqiao tourism

2014/08/13 00:00
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In the collective tourism season that was eagerly awaited by the year, nearly tens of people from employees and their families participated in this group tour from 8.3 to 6 days. This year, we took a few special attractions in Kangding, Ganzi Prefecture: Xinduqiao, Tagong Grassland, Mugecuo, Hailuogou. Explore the virgin forests, enjoy the glaciers, and enjoy the snow valley hot springs...

In the collective tourism season that was eagerly awaited by the year, nearly tens of people from employees and their families participated in this group tour from 8.3 to 6 days. This year, we took a few special attractions in Kangding, Ganzi Prefecture: Xinduqiao, Tagong Grassland, Mugecuo, Hailuogou. Explore the virgin forests, enjoy the glaciers, and enjoy the snow valley hot springs...

The sea on the top of the mountain - Mugecuo (Wild Sea)

  Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park

  The journey is very hard and the scenery is beautiful!